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Tasmania's 190 Nomination Criteria 2023-2024

Updated: Aug 16, 2023

In this article, we will be talking about Tasmania's 190 nomination criteria.

State nomination and your application for a visa are two separate processes. The Tasmanian Government assesses your application for state nomination, and the Department of Home Affairs to assesses your Visa application.

Home Affairs criteria require you to:

  • Have a points-test result of 65 or higher, inclusive of state nomination points;

  • Have a positive skills assessment in your nominated occupation;

  • Be under 45 years of age;

  • Meet the minimum English language requirement of competent unless your assessing authority requires a higher level;

Some important things to note before we look at Tasmania's 190 criteria are:

1. Meeting the minimum nomination requirements published on this website does not guarantee that you will be offered a Tasmanian nomination. Only the most competitive Registrations of Interest will be selected to be invited to apply for nomination.

2. Candidates nominated for a Subclass 491 Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) visa will not be nominated for a permanent Subclass 190 Skilled Nominated visa in the future.

3. If you or any family members (including those who don't apply for nomination with you) owe fees to Tasmanian Government agencies, such as for education or health, the debt must be paid, or arrangements for payment must be made prior to seeking the nomination. You will not be eligible for nomination until the debt has been paid or the agency has accepted a payment plan.

There are three steps involved with Tasmania's 190 nominations:

  1. EOI- Expression of interest

  2. ROI - Registration of interest Registration is free and valid for six months. You may register again if you are not invited to apply for nomination and your registration expires.

  3. Nomination application- There is a non-refundable fee of $300 (plus $30 GST if in Australia) to apply for nomination.

We will be looking at the nomination pathways for 190 visas.

Some important things to consider before we start looking at the Nomination pathways are:

  • You must meet the minimum nomination requirements for your chosen pathway to register your interest and be considered for nomination.

  • The priority attributes for each pathway are not required, but they will make you more competitive for a limited number of nominations.

  • The more attributes you have, the better your chances of nomination and the sooner you may be invited to apply for nomination.

  • When you register in the Gateway, depending upon your priority attributes, you will be given a Gold, Green, or Orange Pass, which will indicate your priority status. If you receive a Gold Pass, you can immediately apply for nomination. You will be invited to apply within the next six weeks if you receive a Green Pass. If you are given an Orange Pass, you may be invited to apply for nomination within the next six months, depending upon the volume of interest Tasmania has received and how many of the priority attributes you have. Suppose you are not invited to apply within six months. In that case, your registration will expire, and you will need to complete a new registration in the Gateway to be considered for a nomination invitation.

There are four nomination pathways for a 190 visa, each with different requirements and priority attributes that will determine your pass color. You may also need to possess one or more of the Priority Attributes listed for all pathways.

The four nomination pathways are:

  1. Tasmanian Skilled Employment PathwayTasmanian Skilled Graduate Pathway

  2. Tasmanian Established Resident Pathway

  3. Overseas Applicant (Health Sector Job Offer) Pathway

Tasmanian Skilled Employment Pathway

To be considered for this pathway, you must meet all the criteria below. You can meet either the TOSOL option or the Long- term employment option.

To meet the requirements for TOSOL OPTION:

A. TOSOL option

  • Your employment must be in an occupation listed on the Tasmanian Onshore Skilled Employment Occupation List (TOSOL) and meet any caveats listed for that occupation.

  • You must have worked in Tasmania for six months immediately before applying.

  • Your employment must average at least 20 hours per week over six months immediately before lodging your application.

  • If you are a subcontractor, you may be considered for this pathway if you have a related skills assessment and at least 12 months of business activity in Tasmania.

B. Long-term employment option - all occupations are eligible for this pathway

The second option is the Long term Employment option. All occupations are eligible to apply and:

  • You must have been working in Tasmania in a role closely related to your skills assessment for at least 15 months immediately before your application.

  • Your employment must meet any caveats on the Tasmanian Onshore Skilled Employment Occupation List (TOSOL).

  • If you are a subcontractor, you may be considered for this pathway if you have a related skills assessment and at least 15 months of business activity in Tasmania.

Tasmanian Skilled Graduate Pathway

All occupations are eligible for this pathway.

  • You must have completed a course of study and obtained a letter of completion from a tertiary institution in Tasmania registered on the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS).

  • You must have lived in the state for at least two calendar years from the commencement of your course and for the duration of your studies.

  • Your course of study must be AQF 5 (Diploma) or higher, or at least Certificate III related to an ANZSCO Major Group 3 or Group 4 occupation, and be listed on CRICOS with a duration of at least 92 weeks.

  • Your course must have been completed full-time and on-site in Tasmania.

  • You must currently be living in Tasmania and intend to continue living in Tasmania.

Tasmanian Ph.D. candidates who still need to complete an undergraduate degree in Tasmania are eligible for this pathway after living in Tasmania and completing at least two years of their Ph.D. discipline in Tasmania.

Tasmanian Established Resident Pathway

To meet the requirements for this pathway:

  • You must have been living in Tasmania for at least three years (with no more than 50 percent of your total Australian residence period spent in another Australian state or territory), and one of the:

  • currently be employed in Tasmania in a role equivalent to ANZSCO Skill Levels 1-3, including a cumulative 12 out of the last 24 months (a minimum of 20 hours per week on average)

  • currently be employed in Tasmania, including a cumulative 18 months in the last three years, in a role equivalent to ANZSCO Skill Level 4 or 5 (a minimum of 20 hours per week on average)

  • Have operated a business for at least the last two years with taxable earnings equivalent to the Temporary Skilled Migration Income Threshold (currently $70,000).

Overseas Applicant (Health Sector Job Offer) Pathway.

To be considered for this pathway, you must meet all the criteria below.

Minimum requirements:

  • You must have a health or allied health skills assessment for an occupation within one of the 4-digit ANZSCO groups below.

  • You must have received a formal job offer for a job that is based in Tasmania that is closely related to your nominated occupation.

  • You, or any of your dependents, must not have lived in another Australian state or territory within the last 12 months.

  • Your employer must have a well-established business operating in Tasmania for at least 12 months.

  • Your wages and conditions must be favorable to those that would apply to an Australian citizen or permanent resident, and your salary or wages must be equivalent to the local market salary rate.

  • There must be a genuine and ongoing need for your position within the business and the capacity for the business to sustain your employment.

Tasmania has the most complicated Nomination and Invitation process, and each pathway has its requirements and attributes. If you are considering applying for a nomination with Tasmania this Financial year, you may seek professional help.

If you have any questions regarding your visa options, please book a consultation with us.

DISCLAIMER: The information shared by Nationwide Migration and Education on social media and blogs is for general informational purposes only. (The information is accurate at the time of publication but may be subject to change.) It is not legal or immigration advice and should not be relied upon as such.

If you need immigration advice specific to your circumstances, please book a consultation with our Registered Migration Agent.

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