In this new Q and A blog, I will answer your questions about Australian Migration.
In this blog, we cover the following:
What would be the difference in the benefits of an 887 vs. 190 PR Visa?
When will the Federal Government allocate seats/quotas for 190 and 491 subclasses to the states?
Which list is better, MLTSSL or STSOL?
If I pass the PTE exam and get a competent score, will my wife get an additional 5 points as a spouse, or will she not gain anything as I have crossed 45 years old?
Can I apply for a 190 Visa if I get an offer letter from Tasmania?
Who decides which state I will be allocated to?
Does Tasmania consider closely related occupations?
Should I still apply for Job Ready Program if a 485 visa is granted?
Graduating in 2023, Bachelor of Computer Science Majoring in Cyber Security. How beneficial is it to do Professional Year in WA?
Does this mean there is no possibility of SC190 with Tasmania offshore applicants?
I have 90 points living in Queensland but not working in related sector. Is there any chance for invitation?
Question: Can you please explain what would be the difference in the benefits of 887 vs 190 PR Visa? I am on 489 Visa and working as a registered nurse, have completed the regional conditions. However, considering the wait time for 887 visa grant, I'm wondering if 190 would be a better idea.
Answer: That's correct that 887 are taking very long. We are still waiting to see if there will be an improvement in the visa processing time, especially for the 887 visa holders. If you think the 887 is taking too long, get an invitation for the 190 visas from a state you're living in, or they may invite you for the 190 visas. You can lodge the 190 visa application, and you may want to check the processing time for the 190 visas before you make this decision.
Question: Any idea when will the Federal Government allocate seats / quotas for 190 and 491 subclasses to the states?
Answer: We do not have a specific date, but based on the recent communications with some states, it has been indicated that it will be very soon. All States will be allocated the nomination quota and will be opening soon. We hope to find out the quota and the dates that the states will open within August.
Question: Which list is better, MLTSSL or STSOL?
Answer: MLTSSL is the Medium to Long-Term Strategic Skilled List, and STSOL is the Short-term Skilled Occupation List. Both lists are good. If you have an occupation on the MLTSSL, then apart from the 190 and 491 visas, you can also lodge the 189 visas. And you also have the option of lodging the 186 direct entry, employer-sponsored visa. Your occupation could be on these short-term skilled occupation lists, with most applicants now going for a 190 or 491 visa. It does not matter if your occupation is on the Short-term Skilled Occupation List.
Question: My wife is an offshore applicant, her age is 40 and her point score for 491- 80 points. My age is 47 and I'm a graduate, If I give PTE exam and get a competent score, will my wife get additional 5 points as a spouse or she will not gain anything as I have crossed 45 years old?
Answer: If your wife is a primary applicant and applying for a 491 visa, you can give her five points if you have completed English because age does not matter if you are giving points for English only; however, if you are giving 10 points for skills assessment and competent English, for that you need to be under 45 years of age. But if you're only giving five points for competent English, you could be over 45 years of age.
Question: I am living in South Australia with 2 years experience in motor mechanics. Can I apply for 190 Visa if I got an offer letter from Tasmania?
Answer: You should check the requirements for your occupation in South Australia. Currently, they are closed but will be opening soon. And you can first see if you already meet the 190 nomination requirements from South Australia. But, for Tasmania, they do not have a job offer letter stream where you're not living in their state, and you have a job offer letter For Tasmania 190. You will have to move there, work there for six months, and apply under the 190 nomination under the skilled pathway. Your occupation is on their list, and you may also want to meet some of their priority attributes.
You can check Tasmania's 190 requirement video at:
Question: Who decides which state I will be allocated to?
Answer: You will have to do your research before you lodge your expression of interest. If you lodge your expression of interest with all states, your expression of interest will never get picked up. So you will have to lodge an expression of interest with the state if you meet the requirements. Consider consulting a registered migration agent to see if you meet the requirements for any state and if your occupation is available for a 190 or 491 visa.
Question: Do Tasmania consider closely related occupations? I am a web developer (261212) having 85 points with a positive skill assessment and I fall into the category of OSOP. Web developer is not on the occupation list for overseas applicants, but multimedia specialists (261211) is on the list. Still, I can expect an invitation for 491?
Answer: Web developers and multimedia specialists fall in the same ANZSCO group. It means that the first four digits are the same for both occupations. I recommend getting a skills assessment as a multimedia specialist because you can still cross-use the experience as a web developer for this occupation. Once you have a skills assessment as a multimedia specialist, you should lodge your expression of interest with Tasmania under that occupation.
Question: My replacement 485 visa is granted, what should I do now? Should I still apply for Job Ready Program?
Answer: I am assuming that you were supposed to do a Job Ready Program on your first 485, and you could not do it due to the COVID restrictions. So your replacement visa for 485 does come with full work rights again. You can do your Job Ready Program on the 485 replacement visa to get a skills assessment and then look at the permanent residency options once you have a skills assessment in your trade occupation.
Question: Graduating in 2023 Bachelor of Computer Science Majoring in Cyber Security How beneficial it is to do Professional Year in WA?
Answer: It doesn't matter what state you're in. I recommend doing your professional year program, especially if you're an IT graduate. The only way to get a skills assessment in an IT occupation is to either do a professional program or have one year of work experience in the IT field. So because you don't know if you can find a job, I recommend doing a professional year program. And if you can get a job in your field, you will get an additional five points. So in one year, you will have five points for the professional year program and five points for the work experience. Also, please note that a skills assessment is mandatory before you start looking at state options. So even though Western Australia has a stream for the graduates, a skills assessment is still required.
Question: Does this mean there is no possibility of SC190 with Tasmania offshore applicants?
Answer: Tasmania is only open for a 491 visa for offshore applicants, and they have two streams. The first one is the invited pathway stream. And the other one is if you have a job offer letter from a Tasmanian employer.
Question: I have 90 points living in Queensland, but not working in related sector. Is there any chance for invitation?
Answer: If you're living in Queensland and you want to apply under the graduate stream or you want to apply under the skilled worker stream, you do need a job in your related field; however, if you are a graduate, then you don't need a job offer letter or a work experience. But if you're applying under the skilled worker category, you need six months of work experience and a 12 months job offer letter in your nominated occupation. The only stream where you don't need a job in your related field is if you're applying under the small business owner stream. In that case, you do not need a job in your related field, or your business does not need to be related to your nominated occupation.