In this blog, we will look at the number of intending migrants who received nominations from State and Territory Governments from 1 July 2022 to 5 May 2023. Please note that this number does not include the pre-invitations that the states have recently issued.
We have seen many invitations from NSW for both 190 and 491 visas. Some occupations with a total of 65 points have also been invited. According to the Department of Home Affairs website data, NSW still has 93 seats left for 190 visas and 2435 for 491 visas. NSW recently did an invitation round for 491, and we expect one or two more invitation rounds in this financial year.
NSW | Total Seats | Used Seats | Seats Left |
190 | 9108 | 9015 | 93 |
491 | 6168 | 3733 | 2435 |
South Australia has also been issuing many invitations for 190 and 491 visas. As per the Department of Home Affairs website data, SA still has 403 seats left for 190 visas and 814 seats for 491 visas. We have also seen many invites under the Outer regional SA stream where you do not need to work in your nominated occupation as long as you live and work in the Outer regional South Australia.
SA | Total Seats | Used Seats | Seats Left |
190 | 3000 | 2597 | 403 |
491 | 5800 | 4986 | 814 |
ACThas 779 places left for 190 visas and 590 for 491 visas. The minimum Canberra Matrix score required to receive an invitation to apply for ACT nomination of a 190 visa will likely continue to drop. The minimum Canberra Matrix score needed to obtain an invitation for a 190 has been 70. However, ACT has invited applicants at 65 points for certain priority occupations and occupations where ACT has yet to have many successful applicants. These scores are not fixed and may drop further depending on occupation demand and the numbers of remaining places, Matrix submissions received, and migrants already nominated for that specific occupation. ACT encourages all interested applicants to submit a Canberra Matrix for 190 nominations.
ACT | Total Seats | Used Seats | Seats Left |
190 | 2025 | 1246 | 779 |
491 | 2025 | 1435 | 590 |
Northern Territory still has 47 seats left for 190 visas and 752 seats for 491 visas. Since they have many more seats left for the 491 visas, we should also see many offshore invites from Northern Territory.
NT | Total Sets | Used Seats | Seats Left |
190 | 600 | 553 | 47 |
491 | 1400 | 648 | 752 |
Due to the increased number of 189 invites issued by the Department of Home Affairs, Migration Queensland sent an email to all applicants notifying them to lodge a priority processing application for the clients who meet the eligibility for their nomination and will be able to lodge a decision-ready application. We have already seen many invites from Migration Queensland after applying for the priority processing for our clients. Migration Queensland still has 1152 seats left for 190 visas and 841 seats for 491 visas. Given that they have almost half the total quota left, we should see many invitations for visa subclasses 190 and 491 from Migration Queensland
QLD | Total Seats | Used Seats | Seats Left |
190 | 3000 | 1848 | 1152 |
491 | 2000 | 1159 | 841 |
Tasmania has recently updated some of its criteria to provide more flexibility for applicants committed to living in Tasmania. If you live in Tasmania and even meet one of the priority attributes, consider applying for their nomination. Tasmania still has 507 seats left for 190 visas and 486 for 491 visas. We have also noticed the quick processing of the nomination applications from Tasmania.Victoriahas closed for this financial year and is not accepting any Registration of interest. Victoria is still working through the ROIs received until 5 May 2023 and has 1707 seats left for 190 visas and 74 seats left for a 491 visas.
TAS | Total Seats | Used Seats | Seats Left |
190 | 2150 | 1643 | 507 |
491 | 2100 | 1614 | 486 |
Victoriahas closed for this financial year and is not accepting any Registration of interest. Victoria is still working through the ROIs received until 5 May 2023 and has 1707 seats left for 190 visas and 74 seats left for a 491 visas.
VIC | Total Seats | Used Seats | Seats Left |
190 | 12900 | 11193 | 1707 |
491 | 2000 | 1926 | 74 |
Western Australia issued 300 invites for 190 visas and 850 invites for 491. WA still has 1931 seats left for 190 visas and 756 for 491 visas. The processing time for Western Australia to approve the nomination is about 10-12 weeks, and applicants living in Western Australia are still getting priority for the invitation.
WA | Total Seats | Used Seats | Seats Left |
190 | 5350 | 3419 | 1931 |
491 | 2790 | 2034 | 756 |
These were all the updates we had from all the States and Territories. If you have any questions in regards to Australian Migration, please get in touch with us.
Source of data: